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Go with your gut and allow the crystal to draw you to it; the crystal chooses you.
You will instinctively know which crystal wants to be with you.
Allow your first impressions to guide you. Let the purpose and power of the
crystal itself guide you and follow your insticts.
At Fe2 Crystals Phuket you will find rare and beautiful crystals & minerals from around the world, that are unique statement pieces for contemporary home decor and interior design. Many people find they are instinctively drawn to a particular rock, crystal or gemstone. Some discover that they can physically feel the crystal vibrating with energy. When looking for Crystals in Phuket then our gallery and shop is a great place to visit, where you will feel their powerful properties. Crystals are also used for good Feng Shui and for adding vibrant beauty to your home, office or spa. I've been passionate about rare crystals since an early age, and decided to create this space for fine crystals in Phuket.